Hi Everyone,

Following the announcement by our President Cyril Ramaphosa last night, our country will be in lockdown from midnight on Thursday 26 March. This means no bowls or club activity of any kind for at least 21 days.

This announcement was made to prevent the spread of covid19 as much as possible and as such we all need to be responsible and adhere to the restrictions imposed upon us, for our own good as well as those around us.

This may put a huge strain on the long term survival of the club but we trust that in these dire times our landlord will be realistic and sensitive to the situation. I have been in touch with Bradley, the representative of our landlord and presumably, he will be in touch.

Please let’s remember buildings and greens can be replaced, lives can’t. Let’s all stay safe, be responsible and stay at home as much as possible. We WILL  get through this.


Carol Gaynham

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